Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cloud Computing in 2012

Let's outline Cloud Computing...

From Wikipedia - Cloud computing is a paradigm shift whereby particulars are abstracted from the customers who not want data of, expertise in, or control over the expertise infrastructure "in the cloud" that helps them.

Gartner Group is predicting that cloud computing will become so pervasive that by 2012, one out of 5 companies will own no IT assets at all. The shift toward cloud providers hosted outdoors the enterprise's firewall will necessitate a major shift within the IT hardware markets, and shrink IT staff. If the ownership of hardware shifts to third parties, then there might be main shifts throughout each side of the IT hardware industry.

My Thoughts...

Gartner's Cloud Computing Prediction

I do not consider that firms will create an IT technique that's 100% cloud or the opposite. I consider that there might be a combined technique that features both. They could choose Google to offer their Electronic mail while their ERP [the lifeblood of most companies] might be hosted internally. And, I don't see 20% of corporations drawing up and executing this plan by 2012.

What does this have to do with BPM?

BPM is about managing business processes. We manage processes to increase revenues, lower costs and improve customer relationships. And, you may manage business processes with out using any software program - it has been occurring for years.

I see cloud computing as an implementation philosophy. BPM software solutions might be carried out on website or within the cloud. An observation: Most companies undertake the position that they need to management the data - due to this fact they believe that it needs to be running throughout the partitions of their environment.

What are your views on using cloud computing for your BPM implementation?

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